ENDURO™ VE 20 Blotter

상품이미지 최대 사이즈
  • 상품이미지 1
  • HMS
상품 정보 표
판매가격 1
제조사/원산지 LABNET/미국
  • - +
    1원 X
총 합계금액 1

상품상세 배너
  • 상품상세설명
  • 고객상품평
  • 상품문의
  • 배송/취소/교환안내


The ENDURO VE20 blotter has a large capacity that can hold up to 16 mini-gels
or 4 large format gels. The VE20 electroblotting system provides all necessary
components for performing transfers from vertical slab gels. It comes with tank,
lid, platinum wire electrodes, 4 cassettes, 18 fiber pads and cooling coil. It has
interchangeable modular inserts that can combine with VE20 vertical PAGE to use
the same universal tank and lid. Complete flexibility is provided as the VE20 can
be run with most power settings required. It can perform overnight transfers at
voltages as low as 35V and rapid, high-intensity transfers up to 200V in 1-2 hours.
The VE20 comes standard with platinum wire electrodes 8 cm apart for increased capacity. A high intensity insert
with plate electrodes 4 cm apart for rapid transfers is also available, E2020-HITB. The detachable cooling coil, which
connects to the laboratory water supply or a recirculating chiller, prevents buffer depletion to allow overnight transfers
and fast high-intensity blots. It also maintains the low temperatures important for protein stability during native transfers.
The open design and rigid cassettes maximize current transfer and eliminate ‘shadow band’ formation. Color-coded
cassettes prevent polarity reversal ensuring proper blotting. This is a well thought out high capacity tank blotter and
a great value.

고객 상품평

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재고가 있는 제품의 경우, 평일 오후 4시 이전 결제 완료시 당일 출고됩니다.
배송까지는 택배사의 상황에 따라 1~2일 이상 소요될 수 있습니다.
판매금액 기준 100,000원 이상부터 무료  배송입니다.
교환 및 반품을 위해서는 왕복택배비 10,000원을 동봉하여 거래명세표와 함께 물건을 보내주시기 바랍니다.
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